The Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) project is the European implementation project for exchanging replacement reserves in line with the Electricity Balancing guideline (Article 19). The Electricity Balancing Guideline (hereinafter EBGL) which entered into force on December 18, 2017, provides the technical and operational framework and defines the market rules to govern the functioning of balancing markets. It sets out rules for the procurement of balancing capacity and for the allocation of cross-zonal transmission capacity for cross-border trades, for the activation of balancing energy and the financial settlement of balance responsible parties.

Project Introduction

In 2016, the TERRE project has been approved by ENTSO-E as an Implementation Project and to become the European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from replacement reserves. The project is closely monitored by the National Regulatory Authorities and ACER.

The Replacement Reserves Platform (RR Platform) enables the exchange and optimised activation of a standard product for balancing energy as defined in the Replacement Reserve Implementation Framework (RRIF) approved by the relevant regulatory authorities on 15 January 2019. The platform serves the EU Target Model for the integration of the balancing markets.

The RR Platform is based on the LIBRA solution, a common IT system which supports the exchange of the balancing energy by pooling the available balancing energy bids and providing an optimised allocation of the bids to meet TSOs’ imbalance needs.

The RR platform (TERRE) has been operational since January 2020. Since then, 6 TSOs connected to the platform, with the latest connection having taken place in January 2021. The TERRE project is continuously working towards enabling stable operations and improving the optimization algorithm, in order to better adjust it with the current market characteristics.

Another main contribution of the TERRE project is the cooperation with MARI and Nordic LIBRA projects. The goal is to identify synergies on the intended adaptations and making use of the lessons learned of the TERRE project and the RR platform operations for more recent projects.


Currently, the TERRE project consists of 8 TSOs, including Members, Former Members and Observers.

In addition, 3 TSOs are TERRE project members: Amprion, Statnett and Svenskä Kraftnät. The term “project member” was intentionally distinguished from TERRE members. Project members joined the TERRE project for the sole purpose of participating in the development operation and management of the IT solution (LIBRA software) and obtaining the intellectual property rights of the IT solution in order to make use of and continue to develop it as part of a regional project in the case of the Nordics TSO, or as part of the MARI project.

In April 2021, the TSO National Grid ESO (Great Britain) has given notice to the TERRE Steering Committee on their will to exit the TERRE project, as part of the decision on Brexit and in line with the provision included in the Cooperation Agreement.

In December 2024, TERRE members shared officially that operations in the LIBRA platform will have to be stopped on the 31st of December 2025 due to legal constraints. This decision was explained to stakeholders during the Annual Stakeholder Workshop organized by the ENTSO-e on the 11th of December 2024.

Because of this decision and in a coordinated manner with all TERRE TSOs, CEPS (Czech Republic) and Terna (Italy) decided to disconnect from the platform respectively at end of June and end of December 2024 and become former members of the project from the 1st of January 2025. PSE (Poland) decided to not connect to the platform and become a former member on the 1st of January 2025 as well.

TERRE members (As of January 2025)
TERRE members (As of January 2025)

Stakeholder events

The stakeholders’ involvement and support are structural for the TERRE project and all European stakeholders are invited to participate to the workshops.

TERRE Project Online Stakeholder Workshop on 17 May 2024 (Webinar)

Stakeholder Workshop: RR process & optimisation on 16 March 2022 (Webinar)

stakeholder workshop on 26 June 2019 in Brussels

Stakeholder Workshop on All TSO proposals on activation purposes and pricing on 16 October 2018 at ENTSO-E premises

Stakeholder Workshop on balancing on 20 and 21 June 2018 at ENTSO-E premises

RR Implementation Framework open Stakeholder workshop on 19 March 2018 at ENTSO-E premises

Project TERRE open stakeholder meeting on 30 November and 1 December 2017 at ENTSO-E premises

Press Releases and Updates


The TERRE project performed several public consultations:


KPIs reports
