Training videos
Welcome to our training page! Here, you’ll find a comprehensive set of resources to help you learn about ECCoSP and its functionalities. Our training videos are designed to provide quick and concise information, with each video lasting between 5 to 10 minutes.
Our videos cover a wide range of topics related to ECP/EDX, including specific functionalities. Whether you’re new to ECCoSP or looking to deepen your knowledge, our videos offer valuable insights to help you make the most of the ECCoSP.
In addition to our video library, our webinar section provides information about upcoming webinars for 2023, as well as recordings from previous sessions. This is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest in ECP/EDX.
We hope you find our training resources helpful and informative, and we look forward to helping you get the most out of ECCoSP!
The full playlist in accessible here
Prerequisites - watch before you start
In this section, we are listing the mandatory videos to be watched before the installation:
- Introduction to ECP in 5 min
- ECCo SP Hardware Requirements & Prerequisites
- ECCo SP Prerequisites for Java 17
ECP\EDX Videos
ECP Endpoint
Installation on Windows Installation on Unix
Upgrade on Windows Upgrade on Unix
Monitoring Integration Channels
Message cleaning and application logging
EDX Toolbox
Installation on Windows Installation on Unix
Upgrade on Windows Upgrade on Unix
Monitoring Integration Channels
Message cleaning and application logging
ECP Component Directory
Installation on Windows Installation on Unix
Upgrade on Windows Upgrade on Unix
ECP Broker
Installation on Windows Installation on Unix
Upgrade on Windows Upgrade on Unix
EDX Service Catalogue
Installation on Windows Installation on Unix
Upgrade on Windows Upgrade on Unix
Extra videos on specific functionalities
- How to use Docker for ECCoSP
- How to use encrypted passwords for ECCo SP
- How to use Audit Logging and Syslog Webinar
- EDX Pull Messaging Webinar
We deeply appreciate the response to our webinars throughout the year. We are delighted to share that all our webinars for the year 2024 have concluded successfully. But the excitement doesn’t stop here!
We are already developing topics for our 2025 webinars and will soon unveil our training calendar for the upcoming year. We welcome your suggestions for topics you would like us to cover in our webinars.
Recordings from our previous webinars can be found here :
- Windows installation (May 2023)
- Unix installation (May 2023)
- Docker Environment (Oct 2022)
- ECP Integration Channels Configuration (Oct 2022)
- EDX Integration Channels Configuration (Oct 2022)
- ECP Monitoring (Oct 2022)
- Windows installation (June 2022)
- Unix installation (June 2022)
- High Availability Setup (July 2022)
- Windows installation (June 2021)
- Unix installation (June 2021)