Power Outlooks

ENTSO-E is delivering pan-European outlooks of the power system in the short, mid, and long-term. These are based on scenarios describing possible energy futures for Europe. These outlooks allow the TSO community to coordinate actions at pan-European level. ENTSO-E’s outlooks also provide technically-sound information to policymakers and stakeholders to support them in their decision-making.

The graphic below captures the different outlooks and their time horizons.

  • Seasonal Outlooks

    Summer & Winter Outlooks

    ENTSO-E analyses possible risks for the security of supply in Europe twice a year: for the summer and winter periods. Because of possible very high/low temperatures and other 'extreme' weather conditions, winters and summers are the most critical periods for the power grid.

    Open seasonal outlooks
  • ERAA Outlook

    European Resource Adequacy Assessment

    The ERAA presents the first pan-European probabilistic assessment of adequacy - the ability of a power system to cover demand in all conditions - up to 10 years ahead.

    Visit ERAA site
  • Longterm Outlook

    Ten-Year Network Development Plan

    The 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) investigates system needs in 2030 and 2040. What should the power system be like to create maximum value for Europeans, ensure continuous access to electricity throughout Europe and deliver on the climate agenda? As a second step, the TYNDP assesses how transmission and storage infrastructure projects can benefit Europe.

    Visit TYNDP site
  • Scenarios

    Scenarios are a prerequisite for any study analysing the future of the European energy system. They describe possible European energy futures up to 2050 used to assess future infrastructure needs and projects.

    Visit Scenarios page