ENTSO-E invites stakeholders to respond to the Public Consultation on the Bidding Zone Review and to attend a public webinar on 20 August 2024

In accordance with the ACER decision 29/2020 of 24 November 2020 on the methodology and assumptions that are to be used in the Bidding Zone Review process and for the alternative bidding zone configurations to be considered (BZR Methodology), Transmission System Operators (“TSOs”) of all Bidding Zone Review Regions jointly performed a study on alternative Bidding Zone (BZ) configurations: the so-called Bidding Zone Review (BZR).

The study should also consider stakeholders’ replies to the public consultation conducted pursuant to Article 17.4 of the BZR Methodology.

TSOs are now launching a Public Consultation on the following aspects:

  • The impacts of alternative BZ configurations on the following criteria: ‘Market liquidity and transaction costs’ as well as ‘Transition costs.’ To that extend, the studies performed on both criteria are included in the public consultation material,
  • Possible measures to mitigate negative impacts of specific alternative BZ configurations regarding the reports on ‘Market liquidity and transaction costs’ and ‘Transition costs’ criteria and
  • The identification of practical considerations which may need to be considered in case of a possible BZ configuration change as set forth in Article 14(10) of the Electricity Regulation, including possible timescales for implementation of alternative BZ configurations.

Stakeholders are welcomed to provide their answer by 4 September 2024, 10am CEST by providing one feedback to the questionnaire per representative organisation.

TSOs are organising a public webinar on 20 August 2024, 10am-1pm CEST, to introduce the topics that are consulted upon and allow interested stakeholders to ask any questions regarding the public consultation. Interested stakeholders can register here no later than 19 August 2024.

For any questions on this matter please contact Gjorgji Shemov (gjorgji.shemov@entsoe.eu).