The ENTSO-E is publishing the ENTSO-E Market Report 2023 and ENTSO-E Capacity Calculation and Allocation (CC&A) Report 2023.
These publications outline the work achieved by European transmission system operators (TSOs) in cooperation with their stakeholders in integrating the European electricity wholesale and balancing markets by implementing the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation, the Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Regulation and the Electricity Balancing (EB) Regulation.

Capacity allocation and congestion management are the cornerstones of the European single electricity market as they harmonise the way in which cross-border electricity markets operate from long-term to real-time. An interconnected, integrated and well-functioning European electricity market ensures use of the most efficient resources and is key to ensuring security of supply at the lowest cost for consumers. Significant progress has been made again during the reporting periods across the market’s various time frames, bringing a single European electricity market for the benefit of all Europeans closer to full realisation.
The ENTSO-E Market Report 2023 looks at the developments made in the day-ahead and intraday coupling, forward capacity allocation as well as the balancing markets. The report also covers Performance Indicators on the balancing markets , presents an overview of the TSO’s implementation of the Clean Energy Package’s 70% minimum capacity target and further developments impacting the European electricity markets.
The CC&A Report 2023 provides an update on the Capacity Calculation Methodologies (CCM) implementation that the CACM and FCA Regulations prescribe at the eight Capacity Calculation Regions (CCR). Furthermore, this edition also provides statistical and quality indicators of those CCRs which CCMs went live during the 2021 and 2022. In addition, this report presents a framework to assess CCR configuration, that it is currently being developed by the TSOs.