Today, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) elected their new governance team, effective from 28 June 2023.
The new leadership will be led by the President Mr Zbyněk Boldiš, (ČEPS, Czech transmission system operator) and will also comprise of Vice-President Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka (Fingrid, the Finnish transmission system operator) and Chair of the Board, Mr Damian Cortinas (RTE, the French transmission system operator). The new Vice-Chair of the Board will be elected in the first regular meeting of the new board.

On the occasion of his election, President Zbyněk Boldiš noted: “As we embark on the milestone year of ENTSO-E 15th anniversary, I am truly honoured to have been elected President. I hope to lead our dedicated team in advancing our mission to ensure the security of the interconnected power system, the optimal functioning and development of the European electricity markets, fostering cooperation and driving innovation within the energy sector.“
Vice-President Asta Sihvonen-Punkka emphasised “At such a crucial time for the energy sector in Europe, it is a privilege to become the Vice-President of ENTSO-E. The electricity transmission sector is the backbone of the transition to a low-carbon energy system enabling further and faster integration of renewable energy and at the same time supporting flexible solutions to ultimately offer clean, reliable and affordable power to European consumers.”
Chair of the Board, Mr Damian Cortinas added: “I am humbled to have been elected as the new Chair of the Board. Having served as a board member for two years, I’m looking forward to working alongside our President, Board members and all TSOs, and to jointly bring our association a renewed forward-looking focus based on our “Vision of a power system for a carbon neutral Europe.”
Mr Boldiš and Mr Cortinas are succeeding respectively Mr Hervé Laffaye (RTE, the French transmission system operator) and Mr Joachim Vanzetta (Amprion, one of the four German transmission system operators).
The Assembly thanked the outgoing President Hervé Laffaye and Chair of the Board Joachim Vanzetta as well as the outgoing board members and the outgoing Committee Chairs for their leadership, strong commitment, personal dedication, and important achievements for the benefit of the European TSO community.
The Chairs of the ENTSO-E Committees and of the Legal and Regulatory Group were appointed by the Assembly and will also come into office on 28 June:
- Olivier Arrivé (RTE, French Transmission system operator) has been appointed Chair of the System Operations Committee;
- Uroš Salobir (Eles, Slovenian Transmission system operator) has been appointed Chair of the Research, Development & Innovation Committee;
- Kjell A. Barmsnes (Statnett) has been reappointed as Chair of the Market Committee;
- Gerald Kaendler (Amprion, one of the four German transmission system operators) has been reappointed as Chair of the System Development Committee;
- Radek Hartman (ČEPS, Czech transmission system operator) has been reappointed as Chair of the Information & Communication Technologies Committee;
- Fokke Elskamp (Tennet, Dutch Transmission system operator) has been reappointed as Chair of the Legal & Regulatory Group Chair.
The new Board is composed of the following members: Dirk Biermann (50Hertz, Germany); Miguel del la Torre (Red Eléctrica de España SAU, Spain); Liam Ryan (Eirgrid, Ireland); Johannes Bruun (Energinet, Denmark); Enrico Carlini (Terna, Italy); Eleni Charpantidou (IPTO, Greece); Susana De Almeida de Graaff (TenneT TSO BV, The Netherlands), Tahir Kapetanovic (APG, Austria); Nell Reimann (Swissgrid, Switzerland); Remigiusz Warzywoda (PSE, Poland); Anne Elisabeth Wedum (Statnett, Norway)

President | ||
Boldiš Zbyněk | ČEPS | Czech Republic |
Vice-President | ||
Sihvonen-Punkka Asta | Fingrid | Finland |
Chair of the Board | ||
Cortinas Damian | RTE | France |
Board Members | ||
Biermann Dirk | 50Hertz | Germany |
Bruun Johannes | Energinet | Denmark |
Carlini Enrico | Terna | Italy |
Charpantidou Eleni | IPTO | Greece |
De Almeida De Graaff Susana | Tennet | The Netherlands |
De La Torre Miguel | Red Eléctrica de España SAU | Spain |
Kapetanovic Tahir | APG | Austria |
Reimann Nell | Swissgrid | Switzerland |
Ryan Liam | Eirgrid | Ireland |
Warzywoda Remigiusz | PSE | Poland |
Wedum Anne Elisabeth | Statnett | Norway |
Committee Chairs | ||
Arrive Olivier | RTE | France |
Barmsnes Kjell A. | Statnett SF | Norway |
Elskamp Fokke | Tennet | Netherlands |
Kaendler Gerald | Amprion | Germany |
Hartman Radek | ČEPS | Czech Republic |
Salobir Uroš | Eles | Slovenia |
About ENTSO-E: ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 39 member TSOs, representing 35 countries, are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world. In addition to its core, historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the common voice of TSOs.