Dear Market Parties,
The electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Platform for the Manually Activated Reserves Initiative (MARI) are pleased to announce that the platform has been brought successfully into operation on 5 October 2022 with accession of 5 TSOs. The launch of the MARI platform marks the beginning of a European-wide coupling of national balancing markets for frequency restoration reserves with manual activation (mFRR) by the deployment of, for example, standard products, harmonized balancing energy gate closure times, a common merit order list, a central activation optimization function, merit order activation and a harmonized pricing of balancing energy. CEPS and the German TSOs (TenneT DE, 50Hertz, Amprion, and TransnetBW) have accessed the new platform as the first TSOs, thereby connecting the respective national markets for balancing energy to MARI in accordance with the EB Regulation. With this first accession, interchanges of balancing energy from mFRR also started. Further planned accessions are published in the MARI accession roadmap.
About MARI
MARI is the European implementation project for the creation of the European mFRR platform. MARI project includes 28 TSO members and 4 TSO observers (see MARI webpage for further details). The project establishes the European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with manual activation or mFRR-Platform, pursuant to Article 20 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (EB Regulation).
Press contact
Please contact the press officers of the Member TSOs of the MARI project for further information Best regards,