According to Article 16 of the Bidding Zone Review (BZR) Methodology, TSOs shall publish all inputs for the BZR no later than four months after the BZR starts, and all outputs of the BZR no later than one month after the BZR ends. Moreover, Article 16 states the status of certain information as confidential under a given jurisdiction shall not prevent that information from being published in another jurisdiction. The BZR Methodology, and a later ACER decision, put an obligation on TSOs and ENTSO-E to publish data related to the Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) study.
TSOs are publishing the following data sets:
- Network grid model used for LMP study,
- PEMMDB, and
- LMP results, including nodal granularity, flows in network, constraints and shadow prices, cleared generation/storage.
Interested stakeholders can access the data sets: