The EU DSO Entity and ENTSO-E are happy to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two Associations.
Through this MoU, we express our willingness to work together in several areas to contribute to the transition to a carbon-neutral European energy system. This will include the development, implementation, and monitoring of network codes and guidelines, and the promotion of best practices in the operation and planning of transmission and distribution power systems.
Commenting on the signature of the MoU, the President of the EU DSO Entity, Vincenzo Ranieri, said: “the ambitions to achieve a climate-neutral European society within 2050 require a strong collaboration between all the main stakeholders of the energy ecosystem, such as TSOs and DSOs. The MoU represents a key step in the path of dialogue our associations embraced, to contribute to a flexible, resilient, and open European Power System by defining standards and guidelines and nurturing our common knowledge”.
The ENTSO-E President, Hervé Laffaye, added: “close cooperation between transmission and distribution system operators is essential to enable the energy transition. The MoU sets a clear framework to foster an ambitious cooperation at the European level, necessary to support the European climate objectives. We look forward to cooperating with the EU DSO Entity on topics of mutual interest and on establishing common positions, taking into account our complementary missions and mandates, and the interest of customers. The first milestone will be the joint submission of the Draft Network Code on Cybersecurity to ACER on 14 January”.
ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 39 member TSOs, representing 35 countries, are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world. In addition to its core, historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the common voice of TSOs.
About EU DSO Entity
The EU DSO Entity, formally set up in June 2021, will support DSOs to actively facilitate the transition to a CO2-neutral European energy system in the next decades, ensuring a robust system by providing future-proof input for network codes and by encouraging collaboration between TSOs and DSOs. As such, the organization will take up a key role in the development and completion of the internal electricity market, keeping a close eye on increasing efficiencies in the electricity distribution networks. It will act as a platform of cooperation and an expert body between all electricity DSOs, from small to large. Focus areas will cover developing network codes & guidelines, digitalisation of the DSO systems, and facilitating the integration of Renewable Energy Sources.
Media contact EU DSO Entity:
Lima Azhieva
Email:; T: +32 485 79 77 34
Media contact ENTSO-E:
Claire Camus
Email:; T: +32 476 97 50 93