The Methodologies drafting team of the Common Grid Model Program is pleased to announce on behalf of all TSOs the approval of two additional methodologies.

Following amendment and resubmission of the original proposal (“CGMM-v2”), all National Regulatory Authorities have agreed to approve the Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM) pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation (“CGMM-v2-plus”). Formal approval decisions need to be made on national level and are expected by 14 July 2018.

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation also requires all TSOs to prepare a Common Grid Model Methodology. The latter proposal, referred to as “CGMM-v3”, was endorsed for approval by all National Regulatory Authorities as well. As in the case of the CGMM-v2-plus, formal approval decisions need to be made on national level and are expected to be made by 21 September 2018.

With the approval of these two methodologies, the methodological framework for the Common Grid Model process has been completed. In addition to the two aforementioned methodologies, the time frames addressed in Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management are covered in the “CGMM-v1-plus”; approved by all National Regulatory Authorities in May 2017.

The versioning of the Common Grid Model Methodologies reflects the Network Code pursuant to which the corresponding CGMM has been prepared. Thus the v1 relates to the CACM Guideline, the v2 to the FCA Guideline, and the v3 to the System Operation Guideline. The “plus” denotes an amended methodology.

In order to ensure that TSOs have all the data required to build their individual grid models (IGMs), two further methodologies were prepared. The Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology (GLDPM) pursuant to the CACM Guideline is referred to as “GLDPM-v1”; it was approved in January 2017. The GLDPM-v2 (pursuant to the FCA Guideline) was approved in March 2018.

All five of the methodologies that constitute the methodological framework for the CGM process are available for download below for convenience:

As for the GLDPM, TSOs are not obliged to demand data based on the GLDPM if they do not require these in order to build their IGM. However, if a TSO asks for data based on the GLDPM, the publication requirements in Article 18 of the GLDPM-v1 and GLDPM-v2, respectively, apply. The data publication pursuant to the GLDPM-v1 was made in March 2017.

Only MAVIR ZRt. of Hungary and TenneT TSO B.V. of The Netherlands indicated that they intend to request data based on the GLDPM-v2. The corresponding data publication is available for download below:

CGM-related questions may be addressed to the Methodologies drafting team at