The ENTSOs for gas and electricity have for the first time combined their efforts and expertise to develop scenarios to assist with decision making for future infrastructure investment needs. The ENTSOs will jointly release the TYNDP 2018 Scenario Development Report mid-September 2017.
ENTSO-E and ENTSOG will host a workshop to outline the outcome of this joint scenario development process on 9 October at the ENTSOs premises, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, Brussels.
Morning session:
Opening address
Presentation: Overview of Scenario Development Report outcome
Afternoon session:
Panel discussion: What are the critical scenario elements for infrastructure assessment?
Concluding remarks and Next Steps
This workshop will support the public consultation for feedback on the Scenario Development Report from interested stakeholders, which will run between mid-September and the end of October 2017.
A more detailed agenda (including confirmed speakers) and invitations will be issued in due course.