Common Information Model
The integration of renewable energy sources (RES), which is a major target of the EU’s energy and climate policy objectives for 2020 and beyond, will affect existing electricity grid infrastructure, operations and the functioning of the electricity market itself. The integration of renewables into the power system requires for their intermittency to be balanced. This can be tackled by electricity grids operating smartly and cost-efficiently. To do this, a seamless and efficient information exchange is necessary at various stages, between an increasing number of companies – TSOs, DSOs, generators etc.
Such information exchanges have become indispensable in network planning (HVDC network development, interconnection development to tackle congestions, etc); power system operation (real-time information on the generation output, balancing control, etc.); market (generation schedules, trades, balancing resource management, etc.).
Data exchanges for studies such as the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and Regional Investment Plans demand a high degree of coordination and consistency. Various types of data are also required for other common TSO studies and the network codes’ common grid models exchanges.
All these require for TSOs, third parties and service providers to use commonly agreed and compatible data exchange formats, in our case standards based on the IEC Common Information Model (CIM).
Developing CIM Standards
To ensure that the International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC) CIM standards are developed in line with TSO requirements, ENTSO-E established liaisons with IEC TC 57/WG13 (the working group dealing with CIM for transmission) and IEC TC57/WG16 (the working group responsible for CIM for energy markets).
In addition, ENTSO-E is actively cooperating with the CIM User’s Group and UCAI User’s Group to exchange information within the CIM community.
The CIM standards are continuously evolving to meet the changing requirements for data exchange, which are increasing in both frequency and type, with higher RES integration and the introduction of smart grids. Specific ENTSO-E CIM standards have been defined to ensure the suitability of the CIM for ENTSO-E and to reflect the complexity of TSO data exchanges.
ENTSO-E runs interoperability tests on a yearly basis to demonstrate the interoperability of its CIM standard and the IEC standards, and to support CIM development for both grid models and market exchanges. The experience gained from developing and implementing the standard directly contributes to future network code development as data exchange processes are part of several network codes.
For any further questions on ENTSO-E CIM related issues, please contact the ENTSO-E Secretariat at
Common Information Model (CIM) for Grid Models Exchange
The CIM for grid model exchange enables exchanges for the data necessary for regional or pan-European grid development studies, and for future processes related to network codes.
Grid model exchange is a complex process covering a variety of use cases, which include the exchange of:
Equipment information, which contains power system equipment data; Topology information, which contains topology related information for the grid elements;
Information on power system state variables, which contains the results from initial load flow simulation of the system; and/or
Steady state hypothesis information, which is valid for newer standards and provides information on load and generation values as well as other input parameters necessary to perform load flow simulations.
In addition, grid model exchange can benefit from information related to dynamics, diagram layout and geographical location for elements in the power system. These features were developed in the latest drafts of the ENTSO-E CIM standards to cover the specific business requirements of TSO grid model exchanges. ENTSO-E CIM standards for grid models exchange are based on the following existing or expected IEC CIM standards:
- IEC 61970-552: CIM XML Model Exchange Format
- IEC 61970-301: Common Information Model (CIM) Base
- IEC 61970-302: Common Information Model (CIM) for Dynamics Specification
- IEC 61970-452: CIM Static Transmission Network Model Profiles
- IEC 61970-453: Diagram Layout Profile
- IEC 61970-456: Solved Power System State Profiles
- IEC 61970-457: Common Information Model (CIM) for Dynamics Profile
- IEC 61968-4: Application integration at electric utilities – System interfaces for distribution management - Part 4: Interfaces for records and asset management.
Related Links
- Decision on the ENTSO-E CGMES (19/12/2013)
- Decision of the ENTSO-E CIM Profiles (13/12/2012)
- Decision of the ENTSO-E CIM Profiles (13/12/2011)
- ENTSO-E Approved IOP Tests and Data Exchange Implementation Roadmap (18/12/2009)
Grid Model Profiles
Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES)
The Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) is an IEC technical specification (TS) based on the IEC Common Information Model (CIM) family of standards. It was developed to meet necessary requirements for TSO data exchanges in the areas of system development and system operation (e.g. TYNDP and network codes) and was initially published in December 2013.
The CGMES will be used as a baseline exchange specification for the implementation of the Common Grid Model (CGM) methodologies (according to the requirements for the implementation of various network codes; expected by 2015). The CGMES will be applied by applications dealing with power system data management, as well as applications supporting the following analyses:
- load flow and contingency analyses,
- short circuit calculations,
- market information and transparency,
- capacity calculation for capacity allocation and congestion management, and
- dynamic security assessment.
The conformity of the applications used for operational and system development exchanges with the CGMES is crucial for the needed interoperability of these applications. ENTSO-E therefore developed and approved the CGMES Conformity Assessment Framework as the guiding principles for assessing applications’ CGMES conformity. Based on those principles, ENTSO-E operates a CGMES Conformity Assessment Process in order to ensure that the CGMES is properly implemented by suppliers of the applications used by TSOs. Details on the conformity testing are available here.
CGMES version 2.4.15 approved on 7 August 2014 is based on the following documentation
- HTML Documents
- HTML Enterprise Architect Export
- RDFS of the CGMES Profiles
- XMI of the CGMES
- OCL Documentation of the CGMES
- CGMES issue list and change log (09/08/2017) - Quality of CGMES datasets and calculations (18/11/2016)
- Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 600-1: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) - Structure and rules
- Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 600-2: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) - Exchange profiles specification
For further details and any questions on the CGMES, contact
Documents relating to the previous versions of the CGMES are available here
ENTSO-E CIM Profile 1
ENTSO-E approved the first version of the CIM based data exchange specfication for grid models in 2009, based on IEC CIM14 (UML14v02) and known as ENTSO-E Profile 1.
Profile 1 is currently valid for ENTSO-E data exchanges until an approved version of the CGMES is implemented and comes into force. The ENTSO-E CIM Profile 1 defines how ENTSO-E members, using software from different vendors, will exchange grid modelling information as required by ENTSO-E and TSO business activities.
To facilitate the implementation of this specfication, in the period 2013-2014, the ENTSO-E CIM Profile 1 document was revised to include the agreements reached in the interoperability test 2013 which were published as separate annex to the specfication.
The following documentation is available for Profile 1:
- ENTSO-E Profile 1 Document (revised version 10 June 2014)
- CIM/XML Schema Documentation
- Indicative Boundary Set (vendors implementing the specfication or supporting TSOs should contact TSOs to obtain the latest ENTSO-E boundary set which is maintained in the ENTSO-E Network Modelling Database)
Interoperability tests (IOP)
ENTSO-E continues improving the CGMES to cover additional requirements defined in the network codes and TSO needs. For this purpose, interoperability tests (IOP) will be organised to verify future versions of the CGMES. IOP 2015 was skipped in order to be able to focus on the actual implementation of the CGMES 2.4 at TSO sites.
In 2016, ENTSO-E conducted, along with European and American vendors and Transmission System Operators (TSOs), a common information model (CIM) interoperability test — ENTSO-E IOP “CIM for System Development and Operations” 2016. The test was held from 11 to 15 July 2016 at ENTSO-E’s premises, in Brussels.
The future ENTSO-E CIM-based data exchange format, ENTSO-E Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES), which is based on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CIM standards 61970 (parts 301, 302, 452, 453, 456, 457, 552) and CIM standard 61968 part 4, was tested in this IOP on a large number of products. The test is a part of the development process of the ENTSO-E Common Grid Model Exchange Specification.
The key goal was to test and validate the latest IEC draft CIM standards on which ENTSO-E bases the new version of the ENTSO-E CGMES. Therefore the main objective of the test was to validate the proposal for CIM extensions that will be included in the next CGMES 2.5 version of the IEC and CENELEC standards or specifications and which will be used to support the data exchanges required by the European legislation.
To validate the proposal for CIM extensions that will be included in the next CGMES 2.5 version of the IEC and CENELEC standards or specifications and which will be used to support the data exchanges required by the European legislation. This is a minor version based on CIM 16 where backwards compatibility is not broken. The extensions are aimed to fulfil modelling gaps in the following main areas:
- Dynamic modelling
- Network Model Management (including Frames, Power System Project (meta-data on change set and Manifest) Bidding Area and integration with Market Schedules
- Availability Plan (outage)
- Operational limits
- Production (PowerElectronics)
- Capacity calculations
Issues recorded during the testing and proposed resolutions are included in the IOP report, along with some guidelines on how to implement the CIM standards within the TSO/utility enterprise. Details on the test procedures and discussed topics are included in the report appendices.
IOP participants have approved the report, making it a basis for further discussions in the ENTSO-E Committees as well as in the IEC TC57/WG13. The implementation schedule for the CGMES 2.5 is subject to an ENTSO-E decision later this year.
Related links
- ENTSO-E conducts sixth CIM interoperability test
- IOP report
- CGMES issue list and change log
- CGMES 2.5 document - 61970-600 part 1, edition 2
Previous interoperability test (Fifth - 2014)
ENTSO-E continues improving the CGMES to cover additional requirements defined in the network codes and/or TSO needs. For this purpose, interoperability tests (IOP) will be organised to verify future versions of the CGMES. The last IOP test was held in the week of 14 July 2014 which had the following objectives:
- To validate test configurations (test data) which will be used for the CGMES conformity on version 2.4.14;
- To resolve reported issues related to CGMES v2.4;
- To discuss ENTSO-E extensions applicable for the future version of the CGMES. This development is necessary to satisfy the requirements defined in the European network codes.
The IOP reached its objectives.
Related links
CGMES Conformity
The interoperability of the applications used by TSOs for operational and system development exchanges is crucial and ENTSO-E has the objective to ensure the interoperability via compliance of those applications with the Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) requirements (now IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2). Thus ENTSO-E approved the CGMES Conformity Assessment Framework which establishes services:
- to facilitate the elaboration of the IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2,
- the implementation of the European network codes, and
- the elaboration of the system development studies, specific power system analysis software and IT systems (both hereafter referred to as Applications) that are used to ensure smooth data exchanges between TSOs.
The current design of the CGMES Conformity Assessment Scheme v2.0 allows assessment of the applications only on certain CGMES functionalities that are supported by the assessed Application, i.e. a theoretical approach is used when initially defining the conformity scheme. Hence declarations of conformity and attestations of conformity shall not be used as a confirmation that an application is fully covering requirements on a specific business process.
It is planned to further develop the CGMES Conformity Scheme to cover relevant procedures and test use cases, so as to be able to test and declare the applications used by TSOs as conform to the requirements of the business processes such as DACF and other operational planning exchanges as well as long term planning data exchanges.
Conformity Assessment Scheme v2.0
Conformity assessment scheme v2.0 defines the complete set of documentation (related version of the IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2, test configurations, test procedures, etc.) valid for this version.
Version v2.0 of the Conformity Assessment Scheme is now available and includes the following documentation:
- Conformity Assessment Scheme v2.0 – Document List
- IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2
- Procedures and Templates
- Test Configurations
- Responses on questions and description of changes
Suppliers of Applications supporting IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2 are requested to use the available documentation and test configuration, and submit their Declaration of Conformity at earliest convenience. Version v2.0 of the CGMES Conformity Assessment Scheme is a revision update of some of the test configurations.
Suppliers that have already submitted their Declaration of Conformity for previous versions of the scheme do not need to perform tests with this new version if their Application version remains the same. ENTSO-E will setup the Review sessions in accordance with the processes defined in the CGMES conformity assessment scheme.
The models (test configurations) are owned by ENTSO-E and are provided by ENTSO-E “as it is”. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ENTSO-E shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising out of the use of the models (including any of their subsequent modifications).
ENTSO-E neither warrants, nor represents that the use of the models will not infringe the rights of third parties. Any use of the models shall include a reference to ENTSO-E. ENTSO-E web site is the only official source of information related to these models.
For further details and any questions on the CGMES conformity assessment, contact
Previous version: CGMES Conformity Scheme v1.1.3
A version of the conformity assessment scheme defines the complete set of documentation (related version of the IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2, test configurations, test procedures, etc.) valid for this version.
Version 1.1.3 of the Conformity Assessment Scheme is now available and includes the following documentation:
- Conformity Assessment Scheme v1.1.3 – Document List
- IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2
- Procedures and Templates
- Test Configurations
- Responses on questions and description of changes
Suppliers of Applications supporting IEC specifications TS 61970-600-1 and 61970-600-2 are requested to use the available documentation and test configuration, and submit their Declaration of Conformity at earliest convenience. Version 1.1.3 of the CGMES Conformity Assessment Scheme is a revision update of some of the test configurations.
Suppliers that have already submitted their Declaration of Conformity for previous versions of the scheme do not need to perform tests with this new version if their Application version remains the same. ENTSO-E will setup the Review sessions in accordance with the processes defined in the CGMES conformity assessment scheme.
IOP and CGMES Versions Archive
The following table provides information on the previous ENTSO-E interoperability tests (IOP) for grid model exchange ENTSO-E CGMES versions
IOP Archive
IOP | News/Announcements | Documents |
4th IOP - 2013 08-12/07/2013 | 20/09/2013: Final IOP test report published 15/07/2013: 4th IOP test conducted 13/12/2012: 4th IOP test registration opened | Final IOP Test Report: |
3rd IOP - 2012 09-13/07/2012 | 06/09/2012: Final 3rd IOP test report published 17/07/2012: 3rd IOP test conducted 13/12/2011: 3rd IOP registration opened | Final IOP Test Report: |
2nd IOP - 2011 11-15/07/2011 | 16/08/2011: Final 2nd IOP test report published 18/07/2011: 2nd ENTSO-E CIM Profile tested in large scale IOP 21/12/2010: Registered vendors 26/11/2010: 2nd IOP registration opened | Final IOP Test Report: |
1st IOP - 2010 12-16/07/2010 | 20/07/2010: ENTSO-E conducts 1st large scale CIM IOP test 27/02/2010: Registered vendors 29/01/2010: 1st IOP registration opened | Final IOP Test Report: |
Conformity Registry
The current design of the CGMES Conformity Assessment Scheme allows assessment of the applications only on certain CGMES functionalities that are supported by the assessed application, i.e. a theoretical approach is used when initially defining the conformity scheme. Hence declarations of conformity and attestations of conformity shall not be used as a confirmation that an application is fully covering requirements on a specific business process.
It is planned to further develop the CGMES Conformity Scheme to cover relevant procedures and test use cases, so as to be able to test and declare the applications used by TSOs as conform to the requirements of the business processes such as DACF and other operational planning exchanges as well as long term planning data exchanges.
The Conformity Assessment Framework and related operational procedures require that the Conformity Registry is publicly available. The table below contains information on:
Supplier’s Name: The name of the Supplier.
Contact Info: The Supplier’s contact person.
Application’s Name and Version: The name and version of the Application. The objective is to be able to identify an exact version of a Supplier’s application.
CGMES Conformity Version: The reference to the version of the CGMES against which the Application was assessed.
Scheme Version: The version of the Conformity Assessment Scheme that has been used when assessing the Application.
Declaration of Conformity: The pdf file provided by the Supplier declaring its conformity – with an indication of the date by when the Supplier declares its Application to be conformed to the CGMES and the date by when the Supplier declares its Application ceases to be conformed to the CGMES.
Attestation of Conformity: The pdf file provided by the Assessment Body declaring its attestation – with an indication of the date by when the Assessment Body declares the application is conform to the CGMES and the date by when the application is no longer CGMES conform.
Supplier's name | Contact info | Application name and version | CGMES Conformity version---Scheme Version | Declaration of Conformity | Attestation of Conformity |
Neplan AG | Giatgen Cott | Neplan - 5.54C | 2.4.15 --- 1.1. | Download | |
PSI AG | Thomas Böhmer | PSIcontrol - 4.3.2 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.3 | Download | |
PSI AG | Thomas Böhmer | PSIcontrol - 4.2.1 | --- 1.1.1 | Download | |
General Electric, Energy Management Service | Melvyn Ten | PowerOn Reliance CIM Exchange – 3.06 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid as of 25/03/2015 | Download |
Alstom Grid SAS | Christian Olivier | e-terrasource/ e-terraplatform - 3.0 SP6 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.3 | ![]() Valid as of 15/07/2015 | Download |
RTE | Marianne Funfrock | Convergence - 4.4.0 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.0 | Download | |
Cesi S.p.A. | Quadrio Maurizio | Spira - 10.1 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid as of 3/12/2014 | Download |
Schneider Electric DMS ND D.O.O. | Miroslav Vukovic | Transmission Network Analyzer (TNA) - 2 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid as of 5/12/2014 | Download |
Unicorn Systems ASd | CTDS - 4.3 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 |
| ||
Siemens AG | Ulrike Sachs | PSS ® SINCAL - 12 | 2.4. 15 | Download | |
Unicorn System AS – Alstom Grid SAS | Michal Vacek – Christian Olivier | NMD - 2.2.1 | 2.4. 15 | Download | |
Cesi S.p.A. | Ferdinando Parma | WinCreso – 7.31.1 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.3 | Valid as of 07/09/2015 | Download |
Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens PTI | Michael Loiacono | PSS© ODMS –11.0 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | ![]() | Download |
DIgSILENT GmbH | Arne Ellerbrock | PowerFactory – 2016SP1 | 2.4.15 — 1.1.3 | Valid as of 10/03/2016 | Download |
DIgSILENT GmbH | Arne Ellerbrock | PowerFactory – 15.2.8.ff | 2.4.15 — 1.1.3 | Valid as of 10/03/2016 | Download |
ABB Enterprise Software | Martin Miller | Network Manager – 9.0 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 14/07/2016 | Download |
FGH GmbH | Dirk Cremer | Integra v 7.06 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 31/08/2016 | |
GE Grid Solutions | Christian Olivier | GridIQ Network Model Manager v1.0 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 21/10/2016 | Download |
Unicorn Systems a.s. | Roman Kodym | AMICA v1.3 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 10/02/2017 | Download |
Adnet | Lino Prka | NetVision v3.7 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 06/12/2016 | Download |
Cesi | Roberto Zacheo | Teseo v3.0.0 | 2.4.15 – 1.1.3 | Valid as of 06/12/2016 | Download |
Conformity Registry Archive
Supplier's Name | ContactInfo | Application's Name and Version | CGMES Conformity Version---Scheme Version | Declaration of Conformity | Attestation of Conformity |
Neplan AG | Giatgen Cott | Neplan - 5 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid from 27/11/2014 to 20/02/2015 | |
RTE | Emilie Milin | Convergence 5.0 | 2.4.15 | | |
PSI AG | Thomas Böhmer | PSIcontrol - 4.2 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid from 27/11 to 11/12 2014 | |
Alstom Grid SAS | Christian Olivier | e-terrasource/ e-terraplatform - 3.0 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid as of 28/11/2014 | Download |
General Electric, Energy Management Service | Melvyn Ten | Enterprise Gateway - 3.06 | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.0 | ![]() Valid as of 25/03/2015 | |
Siemens AG | Ulrike Sachs | PSS® SINCAL - 11,5 | 2.4.15 | ||
DIgSILENT GmBH | Robert Viereck | PowerFactory - 15.2.2 ff | 2.4.15 --- 1.1.1 | ![]() Valid as of 28/11/2014 to 23/11/2015 | Download |
DIgSILENT GmBH | Arne Ellerbrock | PowerFactory – 15.2.6 ff | 2.4.15 --- 1.0.2 | ![]() Valid from 24/11/2015 to 09/03/2016 | |
Common Information Model (CIM) for Energy Markets
To harmonise and implement standardised electronic data interchange, since 2009 ENTSO-E has supported the integration, at an international level, of Member TSOs’ business requirements and use cases into the Common Information Model (CIM), and contributions to its further development. For market-related exchanges, this has been achieved through ENTSO-E’s liaison with the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 57 and Working Group 16 (IEC TC 57 / WG 16).
The IEC TC 57 (Power System Management and Associated Information Exchange) is currently developing the IEC CIM 62325 series of standards for the exchange of data required by deregulated energy markets. WG 16 (Deregulated Energy Markets) is developing these standards as a framework for energy market communications encompassing two market styles: European style and North American style markets.
The IEC 62325 Series of Standards
The foundation of the IEC 62325 series, are the:
IEC 62325-301 “CIM extensions for markets” standard, which is an abstract model that caters for the introduction of the objects required for the operation of electricity markets; and
IEC 62325-450 “Profile and context modelling rules,” the International Standard for the generation of profiles.
Based on these two standards, the IEC 62325-351 “CIM European market model exchange profile” International Standard, and the IEC 62325-451-‘X’ set of standards, which are built on this CIM profile, are being maintained and further developed, notably for Europe’s internal electricity market (IEM).
The European style market profile (ESMP), as defined in IEC 62325-351, provides the core components for use in the IEC 62325-451-‘X’ standards, which target specific core business processes within Europe’s internal electricity market, such as scheduling, settlement, capacity allocation and nomination, acknowledgement, etc.
In detail, the IEC CIM 62325 series of standards currently consists of:
International Standards
IEC 62325-301: Framework for energy market communications – Common information model (CIM) Extensions for markets.
IEC 62325-450: Profile and context modelling rules.
IEC 62325-351: Framework for energy market communications – CIM European market model exchange profile.
IEC 62325-451-1: Framework for energy market communications – Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market.
IEC 62325-451-2: Framework for energy market communications – Scheduling business process and contextual model for European market.
IEC 62325-451-3: Framework for energy market communications – Transmission capacity allocation business process (explicit or implicit auction) and contextual models for European market.
IEC 62325-451-4: Framework for energy market communications – Settlement and reconciliation business process, contextual and assembly models for European market.
IEC 62325-451-5: Framework for energy market communications – Problem statement and status request business processes, contextual and assembly models for European market.
IEC 62325-451-6: Framework for energy market communications – Publication of information on market, contextual and assembly models for European market.
Technical Specifications
IEC 62325-503: Framework for energy market communications – Market data exchanges guidelines for the IEC 62325-351 profile.
Coming Standards
Coming Technical Specifications
For further information on the CIM for energy market and ENTSO-E’s related activities, please contact Olivier Aine, Standardisation & Interoperability Advisor.
Related links
- ENTSO-E Electronic Data Interchange - Overview
- ENTSO-E Electronic Data Interchange work products - EDI Library
- IEC TC 57 WG 16 Deregulated Energy Market Communications
Interoperability (IOP) Tests
ENTSO-E’s contribution to the CIM on the one hand, relates to bringing Member TSOs’ and European electricity market requirements and use cases in general into the CIM; and on the other hand, to conducting the necessary interoperability (IOP) tests to ensure conformity of the standards with the business requirements.
Since July 2012, ENTSO-E has been conducting interoperability tests on the IEC CIM 62325 series of standards for the electricity market, where European Transmission System Operators (TSOs), Transmission Capacity Allocators (TCAs), Transmission Capacity Auction Offices and Market Management System (MMS) software providers are invited to participate.
The IOP tests aim to demonstrate that the IEC 62325-451-‘X’ series of standards, each satisfies the information requirements for the corresponding business processes in the European style market profile, and that the IEC 62325-301 (CIM) and IEC 62325-351 (European style market profile) are consistent.
The results of all the IOP tests conducted have been in line with expectations and are summarised in the corresponding final IOP reports, which have been approved by ENTSO-E’s Market Committee, and conclude that:
- The work carried out on the IEC 62325-301, “CIM extensions for market”, IEC 62325-351, “CIM European market model exchange profile” and IEC 62325-451-1, 2 and 3 standards, “Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market”, “Scheduling business process and contextual model for European market”, and “Transmission capacity allocation business process (explicit or implicit auction) and contextual models for European market”, is in line with the business requirements;
- There are no major deficiencies in the standards;
- The standards include all the capabilities needed to support the exchanges already implemented within ENTSO-E.
To facilitate the migration to IEC CIM 62325 series, and the transformation of ENTSO-E’s xml files into IEC CIM 62325 ones and vice-versa.
ENTSO-E schema and stylesheet to convert to CIM instances
All related announcements, final reports and test data for all IOP tests conducted up to now on the CIM 62325 series for the Electricity Market can be found in the table below.
Any questions on the ENTSO-E CIM for the Electricity Market IOP tests should be directed to
ENTSO-E IOP - | News/Announcements | Documents |
6th IOP - 2015 | | |
5th IOP - 2014 | 18/09/2014: IOP final test report published | |
4th IOP - 2013 | 11/02/2014: 4th IOP final test report published 18/12/2013: 4th IOP test completed 17/10/2013: 4th IOP registration opened | |
3rd IOP - 2013 | 25/10/2013: 3rd IOP final test report published | |
2nd IOP - 2012 | 28/01/2013: 2nd IOP final test report published | |
1st IOP - 2011 (IEC 62325-451-1) | 19/10/2012: 1st IOP final test report published 17/07/2012: 1st IOP CIM testing13/12/2011: 1st IOP registration opened |