ENTSO-E and ENTSOG invite all interested stakeholders to take part in a public workshop on the 2024 and 2026 Scenarios.

The workshop will take place on 4 July, from 10.00 to 15.30 CET

After a presentation of the main features of the 2024 scenarios published on 22 May 2024, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG will outline plans for the 2026 Scenarios, including an overview of the scenario-building process and of the possibilities for stakeholders to contribute to the process in the two years ahead. ENTSO-E and ENTSOG will also present initial orientations for the storylines of the 2026 Scenarios. The afternoon session will feature discussions with attendees on the storylines framework, including on key differentiation parameters. The stakeholders’ engagement plan for the 2026 Scenarios will be made publicly available ahead of the workshop.

Practical information:

  • The workshop will take place at ENTSOG premises (Avenue de Cortenberg 100, 1000 Brussels, Belgium).
  • Online participation will be possible in the morning session only.
  • The number of participants is limited.
  • Registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • A confirmation email will be sent in due time.

Please register here by 27 June EOB.

The detailed programme of the workshop will be available soon on this page.
Should you have any questions, please contact: scenarios@entsos-tyndp-scenarios.eu