Please be invited to an open online informative workshop hosted by the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) involved in the TERRE project. This project is designed to implement the Replacement Reserves Platform (RR Platform), a significant initiative that facilitates the exchange and optimised activation of a standard product for balancing energy.
The informative workshop will focus on the conclusions of the public survey conducted in 2023 and the decision made by TERRE TSOs regarding the implementation of a number of clearings. We will also discuss their implications for the TERRE project.
This workshop will be of particular interest to energy market participants, balancing service providers, and EU representatives, especially those from Czechia (CEPS), France (RTE), Italy (TERNA), Poland (PSE), Portugal (REN), Spain (Red Eléctrica), and Switzerland (Swissgrid).
For further details about the workshop, please refer to the TERRE workshop agenda, slides and webinar recording
The Q&A document of the TERRE Project Online Stakeholder Workshop is available for your reference.