MARI is the TSOs’ project for establishing the European mFRR-Platform, an example of successful cooperation between TSOs for the establishment of the pan-European project that will integrate mFRR balancing energy markets while contributing to operational security.
On 24 January 2020, ACER approved the implementation framework for the mFRR-Platform and its pricing methodology. The MARI project, in collaboration with ENTSO-E, organised a second public online workshop on 18 December 2020 which aimed to explain stakeholders the details of characteristics of mFRR bids, the optimisation constraints included in the activation optimisation function (“AOF”) of the mFRR-Platform, including considerations on cross-border marginal prices. Moreover, MARI also informed about the updated accession roadmap for TSOs to become operational in the mFRR-Platform, published on the ENTSO-E website on 13 November 2020.
This public workshop followed up on previous stakeholder workshops (4 Sept. 2017, 5 Oct. 2017, 20-21 June 2018, 18 October 2018, 13 July 2020) and other public consultations and stakeholder meetings.
For more information, please see the slide deck and the Q&A document from the workshop.