Save the date – 11 December 2020, 10:00 to 12:00 CET
ENTSO-E is organising a workshop to discuss the current implementation status of KORRR with its stakeholders.
KORRR stands for Key Organisational Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities related to data exchange and was created in accordance with Article 40(6) SO GL. It serves as an umbrella to all the SOGL data exchange requirements, trying to harmonize where needed but at the same time leaving space for national peculiarities. TSOs started the implementation in December 2018 after approval by all NRAs, while the proposal was drafted under the Steering Group Operational Framework.
During the workshop, a number of TSO representatives will share their experience and the common lessons learnt when implementing KORRR.
Agenda is available here. The slides deck can accessed** here.**