On 18 December 2020, ENTSO-E shall submit to ACER a report, according to Article 36(7) of the E&R NC. This shall assess the level of harmonisation of the rules for suspension and restoration of market activities established by the TSOs and identifying, as appropriate, and the areas that require harmonisation.
TSOs have identified a list of market activities that may impact these rules for suspension and restoration that are to be part of this report. To attain this goal, a survey has been created and will be circulated among the relevant TSOs, in accordance with Article 2(6) of the E&R NC.
This webinar intends to explain these assumptions and the target information that it is aimed to reach with the survey.
When: 25 March 2020
When: 10:30 AM (2 hours, until 12:30)
Material: Presentation
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