The recent legislative package on Clean Energy for all Europeans, specifically Regulation 2019/943 of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity, places resource adequacy in a central position in the European energy policy context. As per Article 23 of the Electricity Regulation, ENTSO-E is required to develop a methodology for a European resource adequacy assessment, which should consider scenarios without existing or planned capacity mechanisms and where applicable, with such mechanisms, increased temporal granularity and sensitivities, Flow-Based capacity calculations and sectoral integration, among others. In addition to the methodology for the European resource adequacy assessment, ENTSO-E is tasked by the Electricity Regulation to develop a methodology for calculating the value of lost load, the cost of a new entry in generation and/or demand response and for a reliability standard, based on objective and verifiable criteria.
At the stakeholder workshop, ENTSO-E will present the methodologies for the European resource adequacy assessment, the Value of Lost Load, the Cost of new entry, and the reliability standard, explain the assumptions and scenarios underpinning them, and outline the next steps. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to exchange views and discuss key questions with the drafting teams.
Two public consultations (that you can access here and here) on the methodologies are open for stakeholder contributions between 5 December and 30 January 2020 on the ENTSO-E Consultation Hub.
Practical information:
16 December, 09.00 to 15.00
Venue: ENTSO-E premises, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, Brussels 1000
The slides presented at the workshop can be found here.
The workshop agenda is available here.