The Guideline on Electricity Balancing (EBGL) mandates all TSOs to submit an activation purposes proposal pursuant Article 29(3) and a pricing proposal pursuant Articles 30(1) and 30(3) by 18th December 2018 which are currently under consultation.

The implementation projects TERRE, MARI, PICASSO, IGCC and ENTSO-E are pleased to invite you to a public stakeholder workshop that will be held in Brussels, at the ENTSO-E premises, on 16th October.

Your opinion is important for us thus we would like to hear and get your feedback on these topics. With this public Workshop, All TSOs would like to give an overview, describe the options and explain the open topics of both proposal and explanatory documents and give stakeholders the opportunity to express their comments and questions related to the proposals. Workshop material and other supporting documents will be distributed in a later stage. The agenda of this event can be found below.

Agenda Minutes

Due to limited places, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance before Friday,12 October EOB. In case we reach the maximum number of people, seats will be allocated in a way to allow equal representation between countries and types of stakeholder. Confirmation e-mails will be sent as soon as possible.

Considering this limited capacity, a stable video streaming will be also available under the following link:

Workshop Slides


If you have any further question, please contact

Links to the ongoing consultations:

Activation Purpose Proposal:

Pricing Proposal: