EIC Functions and Definitions

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EIC Function EIC Type Definition
Valid in Market
Alignment AgentXA party responsible for aligning the forecasts and/or the verification of the Bidding Zones net positions.Electricity
Balance Responsible PartyXA party financially accountable for its imbalances.Electricity
Balancing Service ProviderXA party with reserve-providing units or reserve-providing groups able to provide balancing services to one or more LFC Operators. A party providing energy balancing services to the energy market.Electricity
Billing AgentXThe party responsible for invoicing a concerned party.Electricity
Capacity TraderXA party that has a contract to participate in the Capacity Market to acquire capacity through a Transmission Capacity Allocator.Electricity
ConsumerXA party that consumes energy.Electricity
Consumption Responsible PartyXA Consumption Responsible Party is responsible for its imbalances, meaning the difference between the energy volume physically withdrawn from the system and the final nominated energy volume, including any imbalance adjustment within a given imbalance settlement period.Electricity
Coordinated Capacity CalculatorXCoordinated Capacity Calculator is the entity or entities with the task of calculating transmission capacity, at regional level or above.Electricity
Coordination Centre OperatorXA party responsible for the coordination of its Coordination Centre Zone in respect of scheduling, load frequency control, time deviation and compensation of unintentional deviation.Electricity
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