The position paper “Recovering power system resilience in case of system splits for a future-ready decarbonised system” and the supporting technical report recap the challenges already highlighted in the report “Updated frequency stability analysis in long term Scenarios, relevant solutions, and mitigation measures” and propose decision-making information and a roadmap to the foundational measures as part of a step-by-step, non-regret approach to deliver secure and efficient operation for a future-ready decarbonised system. It also proposed a methodology to assess long-term inertia needs, offering a valuable tool to study the evolution of this phenomenon in the planning processes.
The transition to a decarbonised energy system is based on the rapid integration of large amounts of renewable energy sources (RES) and the corresponding phase-out of fossil fuel generation. Through the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), ENTSO-E showed that this process is not only feasible but also beneficial for European society. Project Inertia Phase II aims to study and determine the inertia needs to enable RES integration without compromising system resilience in the case of system splits. In the past, inertia was intrinsically provided by the rotating masses of connected synchronous generators, and the lack of resilience due to inertia was not an issue. Today and in the future, maintaining this resilience requires investments in either dedicated network assets or the technical capability of third-party assets, which must be applied in a balanced and efficient manner.
Please find the full position paper HERE.
Supporting Technical Report is available HERE.