ENTSO-E recommends anticipated implementation of connection requirements for Power-to-Gas assets by Member States

 The energy transition will happen through combined efforts from all parts of the energy system. These collective efforts require to join forces and work together towards a common objective. The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are committed to use the solutions available to prepare the grids for the uptake of low-carbon solutions.

 ENTSO-E publishes a position paper recommending an accelerated implementation of connection requirements for Power-to-Gas demand facilities. This approach encourages Member States to take a pro-active approach in implementing technical requirements to accommodate fast and smoothly future connections for Power-to-Gas assets.

 ENTSO-E’s scenarios such as the ERAA 2023 National Trends project that 30 GW of installed capacity in Continental Europe by 2028 will come from Power-to-Gas. These will also require additional and new connection to the transmission system relying on technical requirements.

 The Network Code on Demand Connection is designed to provide the necessary technical requirements and its current version is being updated introducing a more appropriate framework for connecting large-scale Power-to-Gas demand facilities. An update of the Network Code Demand Connection with relevant requirements is underway.

A large number of new power-to-gas units will likely be connected to the system before the new network code provisions are normally nationally implemented. The connection of these units without appropriate and coordinated technical requirements may therefore create an important risk for system robustness.

 ENTSO-E therefore recommends Member States to anticipate the application of future-proof connection requirements for power-to-gas demand facilities to support security of supply. The paper released today argues that Member States should consider minimum technical requirements to prepare in time for these power-to-gas demand facilities to have grid supporting capabilities. This approach will support the energy transition in Member States.

Please find the full position paper here.