In their joint position paper “Power to Gas - A Sector Coupling Perspective”, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG, the European associations of transmission system operators respectively for electricity and gas, call for scaling up the power conversion technologies to further explore its potential.
Key Messages:
To date, the electricity transmission grid and currently available technologies efficiently integrated renewable sources of electricity into the power system. The ongoing energy transition will require additional developments.
Power to Gas – and other P2X (e.g. Power to Liquid, Power to Heat, …) - may have the potential to reduce the cost of the decarbonized energy system in particular when the end consumption is either gas or other high value energy forms.
Scaling up of P2G technologies for exploring their industrialisation potential needs to start as of now.
The ENTSOs are cooperating in an open way to study the impact of foreseen technologies including Power to Gas onto grid planning.