These practical proposals are fully supportive of the ideas and ambitions outlined by the European Commission in its Communication “A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy”.
The paper recommends several key actions:
- Full application of the existing legislation through swift adoption and implementation of the ten electricity network codes which are a strong basis of the Internal Electricity Market;
- Facilitation of investments into transmission infrastructure through the launch of a pan-European communication plan to support publicly critical EU infrastructure projects;
- Stronger coordination between Member States’ energy-mix and security of supply policies at both regional and European level – for this, ENTSO-E’s with regionally coordinated system adequacy reports provide a strong contribution;
- Stronger regional coordination to prevent and manage any energy scarcity situations;
- Upgrade the current market design with a view to integrating renewables into the market, empowering end-consumers and improving market incentives; and
- Fostering innovation and new technologies in power systems, including storage and demand side response.